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Penryn Camera Club - Welcome Pack


The members of Penryn Camera Club are pleased to welcome you to our friendly club and hope that you might wish to become a member yourself. We are very happy to host you for a few weeks whilst you make up your mind to join us and whilst doing so you are very welcome to join in with any comments and questions. Once you join, we are sure you will soon settle in quickly and enjoy our activities as much as we do. Our meetings comprise an eclectic mix of competitions, speakers, practical and fun activities, organised in accord with the members’ wishes, to encourage us to both enjoy and be creative in our photography.

The club was founded in 1980 at the Temperance Hall in Penryn, by a number of like-minded people with a keen interest in cameras and photography and during our season from September to April, meets on Thursdays at 7.30 in Penryn Football club; 30 Little Oaks, Penryn TR10 8QE which is warm and cosy in the winter with good parking available. During summer months we also hold meet-ups at various photogenic venues and more impromptu sessions such as teas or lunches together.

Some founding member’s names have been adopted and used for the competitions and awards that are held and consist of combinations of Prints, Digitally Projected Images (DPIs) and Off Camera (OC) projected images in both Colour and Black and White.

President’s Cup:

This competition normally kicks off our season and consists of the President’s choice of set subject.

Ken Maynard Trophy:

The subject for this competition was nominated by Ken Maynard as any living thing except for humans, but it does include Funghi!

The Ken Farnell Cup and General Shield Competitions:

These two competitions are run in parallel over three segments, each of which is scheduled for a different evening during the season. The subjects for the three segments of the Ken Farnell competition can change each season and are agreed by the members, also as its name implies the General Shield competition is Open (No restriction).

Image of the Year:

This is a multi-faceted competition of member’s best work and is held towards the end of the season.

Dennis Watson Trophy:

This is an ‘All Season’ competition where all the individual scores achieved by each member during the year are aggregated, the winner being the member with the highest score. This is to encourage members to enter as many competitions as they can.

As mentioned above, the club also allows entries for some competitions to be “Off-Camera” whereby the image has to be a straight shot as taken in the camera, but which may be straightened and/or cropped with no other editing allowed – this gives the opportunity for members who are either not familiar with, or do not wish to use, photo editing software. At the end of the season we have a celebratory Trophy award ceremony, which usually takes the form of a luncheon and awards’ ceremony.

We do hope you decide to join us and we are sure that our members can provide friendly advice and support for you to improve your photography! In the meantime why not have a look at our website:

The club committee comprises President, Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Competition Secretary and Battle Secretary, IT Media Organiser with the remainder from ordinary members. There is also a Selection Team made up from the committee plus ordinary members, which chooses images to represent the club in competitions (or to use the more familiar term “Battles”) with other clubs.

The club is affiliated to a number of photographic organisations, which gives it access to third party and liability insurance, external competitions, judges and speakers. At the top of the tree is the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB), the organisation that co-ordinates specific activities for photographic clubs in England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland. It does this through 15 geographical regions known as Federations. Representing the clubs in the South West is the Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF), which has similar activities to the PAGB, but at a more regional level.

More details can be found in this short 5 minute video from the WCPF website which explains the link between the WCPF and PAGB, the history of the WCPF, how the WCPF helps photographers to achieve photographic distinctions and how the executive is made up:

Within this umbrella is the Cornwall Photographic Alliance (CPA) where the member Cornish Clubs has a forum for arranging, talks, events and competitions. All member clubs have a CPA delegate who is voted in by the clubs themselves to represent the interests of their club. The CPA also has a directory of speakers and judges and organises the two annual Charles Hosken competitions, one with an Open subject and the other for Nature/Wildlife entries which are chosen by the club members themselves. The CPA also organise the annual Inter-Club competition and exhibition for both Prints and Digital Projected Images (DPI) and hold quarterly meetings at which all the planned activities are discussed and agreed by majority vote. The AGM of the CPA is held annually and is fully open to club delegates and observers.

WCPF/PCC Competition Rules:

Like all affiliated clubs, Penryn Camera Club has its own general rules but also tends to abide by the specific rules laid down by the WCPF and as agreed by the CPA as they relate to print and file sizes, definitions of mono etc, hence our inter club and external competition entries are consistent across all competitions and can be entered universally in National competitions.

Prints can be any size that will fit into a 40cm x 50cm mount and digital images need to be 1600 pixels max wide by 1200 maximum pixels high or alternatively 1200 pixels square. 

Once again we would like the opportunity to welcome you to our club, and whilst we realise there is a great deal of information to absorb please remember we have dedicated “Mentors” to help and guide you through!


Derek Godridge LRPS AFIAP – Derek has been a member for over 20 years, a judge for local Cornish clubs and is always available for general advice on Nikon cameras, print presentation and critiques of work.

Paul Cooper – Paul is our IT specialist and can hence advise on any social media issues you may have regarding preparing and sharing your images further afield. He also dabbles in Photoshop.

Basically if you have a question about ANYTHING – just ASK !

Finally for now, Penryn Camera Club has an active presence on the Internet with our website that you may be familiar with by now and which has a mountain of handy and useful information regarding the club’s activities, newsletters, photographic terms, images etc. We also have a Facebook page where members can post images.

Capture unforgettable moments with Penryn Camera Club! Join our friendly and inclusive community of photographers of all abilities and tap into our wealth of knowledge and experience. Let's make memories together

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