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Penryn Camera Club Constitution 

Revision: April 2024

1. Name

The name of the club shall be “Penryn Camera Club” hereinafter called “the Club”.

2. Aims

To provide a forum where members can be stimulated and encouraged in the art of photography to produce images which portray the world around us, and to provide for the gaining of knowledge in order to advance members’ photographic techniques and technical approach.

3. Objectives

To hold meetings where the Club will present lectures and presentations by professional and other experienced amateur photographers and to hold competitions and practical workshops.

To arrange informal gatherings and meetings in order for members to socialise.

In addition, opportunities will be provided for members to exhibit their work within the Club, the local community and other photographic clubs either by way of informal “Critiques” or more formal inter- club competitions.

4. Membership

4.1 Any person interested in or practising photography as an amateur or professional who supports the Club Constitution, the GDPR Policy and Acceptance Form and where relevant, Competition Rules, may apply to the club secretary for membership. Copies of these are available on the Club Website and shall be made available to prospective members. The committee have the sole right to accept, postpone, refuse or withdraw membership.

4.2 Classes of membership shall be:

4.2.1 Full Member- the Full Member shall be entitled to attend all club meetings either in

person or remotely, enter all club competitions, make use of the club website and Facebook site(s), take part in the AGM and other relevant club meetings and be entitled to vote.

4.2.2 Remote Member – a member who may not be physically able to attend club meetings. However they MAY attend virtually, where relevant and may also be able to enter all competitions, make use of the club website and Facebook site(s), take part in the AGM and attend up to 3 meetings per season and be entitled to vote. A reduced fee is applicable to be set as per para 5.

4.2.3 Junior Member - where required by way of candidates - Under 18 years old. May not vote at club meetings but may enter club competitions and represent the club. A reduced fee is applicable to be set as per para 5.

4.2.4 Prospective members may visit the club without paying a subscription up to three times and may then join the Club at the designated subscription

4.3 All membership details shall be held as private information in accordance with the Data Protection Act and will not be passed on to other parties except with the strict permission of the member concerned.

4.4 Participation in competitions, election to the committee and voting at meetings is only open to paid-up members.

4.5 NB All members are welcome to bring guests along to any meeting subject to payment of the standard entry fee.

5. Subscriptions

5.1 The annual subscription and any other membership fees shall be recommended by the committee and agreed at the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.

5.2 A concessionary reduced fee for couples who are both members may be offered by the committee.

5.3 Subscriptions shall fall due for payment in full on the first meeting of the new season annually and at the discretion of the Chair and the Treasurer, the fee may be made in TWO payments by the 31st December of that year.

Where the membership is due to begin after the start of the new season, a Pro-Rata membership fee may be made available to the new member. To be agreed by the Chair and the Treasurer.

5.4 Membership of the club shall cease if subscriptions are not paid as per para. 5.3

6. Committee

6.1 A committee consisting of not less than four members shall be responsible for conducting the affairs of the Club and may take decisions on its behalf. Where posts are not taken up at the AGM, election of such posts may be left dormant at the behest of the current committee or organised at a subsequent SGM. In the interim, the committee may make any temporary appointment as necessary to maintain the effective running of the club.

6.2 Committee Member’s responsibilities and duties to include:

• Chairperson who will normally chair meetings.

• Vice-chairperson who will deputise for the chairperson.

• Secretary who will keep minutes of meetings & conduct club correspondence.

• Programme Secretary who will manage the club programme and liaise with the Competition Secretary.

• Treasurer who will collect subscriptions and maintain a current balance sheet.

• Competition Secretary who will organise the various Club competitions.

• Inter-club Competition Secretary who will organise competitions between the Club and

other local photographic clubs.

• IT Secretary who will manage the club's media activities such as the club website and

social media and also assist members when required. Committee meeting attendance is

not mandatory except when the Committee discuss IT matters concerning the club.

• Cornwall Photographic Alliance (CPA) Representative who will ensure effective communication between the CPA and the club, will attend CPA meetings on behalf of the club and represent the thoughts and opinions of the members and will assist members with

submissions to CPA and WCPF competition entries.

• Attending committee meetings and voting, as appropriate, with the Chairperson having the

casting vote if required.

6.3 The officers of the Club shall be elected for a period of office not exceeding one year at the

Annual General Meeting. A proposer and a seconder shall support a member wishing to stand for election to the committee and the voting shall be by a simple show of hands. Retiring Committee Members shall be eligible for re-election at the AGM. Where there is an equally divided vote for a committee position, the Chairman's vote shall decide the issue.

6.4 Additionally, the club management committee may recommend to members the appointment of a President and a Vice-President to represent the club with no automatic right of accession to these roles, These posts shall be purely "Honorary" and advisory and as such no decision- making responsibilities or attendance to committee meetings are associated with the roles(s).

6.5 Notwithstanding the AGM and other meetings, there shall be a minimum of one committee meeting held per year in order to discuss Club matters.

6.6 Committee meetings shall be convened by the Chairperson or, exceptionally, by three members of the Committee and the quorum for the Committee shall be four.

6.7 Where a vote equally divides the meetings, the Chairperson will vote to keep the status quo.

6.8 During the year the Committee may co-opt members to the committee as required.

6.9 A Sub Committee may be formed by resolution of the Committee to run specific Club


6.10 A selection committee of a maximum of five members shall be formed from the current club

officers and members who will assist in the selection of external competition entries.


7. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

7.1 The AGM shall be held at the end of the season, or not more than 15 months after the last AGM.


The business shall include:

• Minutes of the last AGM

• Annual report of the committee

• Statement of accounts and balance sheet examined and signed by two club members

• Election of club officers

• Setting subscriptions rates

• Appointment of 2 club members to act as examiners of the accounts

• Any other business relating to the Club's affairs.

7.2 Proposals for other business shall be in the hands of the Secretary not less than fourteen days before the advertised date.

7.3 The quorum for the AGM (and SGM) shall be 1/3rd of the membership.

7.3 All motions to be proposed and seconded.

7.4 In respect of Committee member elections, any member who is unable to attend will be

allowed a proxy vote. This intention must be conveyed in writing to the secretary prior to the

start of the meeting.

7.5 The committee members shall submit reports for the previous year.

7.6 The Treasurer shall provide an examined statement of accounts.

8. Special General Meeting (SGM)

8.1 A SGM can be called at any time by members of the Committee or on receipt of a written request signed by at least FIVE ordinary members. 14 days notice must be given to all the members of any Annual or Special General Meeting with particulars of all business to be transacted - no other business shall be transacted other than that appearing on the notification.

9. Resolutions and Voting

9.1 Resolutions shall be carried by simple majority of those present at the meeting. Where members cannot attend, they may send a proxy vote to the club secretary prior to the meeting and those votes shall be added to the votes indicated by attending members.

9.2 Only members whose subscriptions are fully paid up may vote at any meeting.

10. Amendments to the Constitution.

The Constitution may be amended at an AGM or SGM and the motion(s) presented will require a 2/3rds majority of those present to be carried and subject to 21 days notice of the amendment being given in writing to all members.

11. Financial

11.1 The Committee is authorised to open and manage bank accounts in the name of the Club into which all receipts shall be paid. Withdrawals from the account in order to settle accounts payable may be made electronically by the Treasurer. The treasurer shall provide a copy of all transactions at each Committee Meeting throughout the year or when requested by the Committee. All capital expenditure shall be ratified by the committee. The treasurer may operate a petty cash account.

11.2 The treasurer shall keep and maintain proper records of financial transactions and retain all documentation in support of those transactions. Accounts, drawn up in accordance with good accounting practice shall be prepared and finalised up to one week before the end of the current club season. These accounts shall be examined for completeness and accuracy by two ordinary Club members appointed by the chairperson, who will report any matters which need to be brought to the attention of the Committee, and the members.


12. Insurance

12.1 The club will maintain the necessary insurance against third party liability and will also

consider any additional insurance required against theft of equipment.

13. Dissolution of the Club.

13.1 The decision to wind up the Club may only be taken when the funds or membership of the Club are insufficient for it to run properly, and this decision can only be taken at the AGM or SGM.

13.2 After discharging all debts and liabilities of the Penryn Camera Club, the remaining assets shall be donated to a similar Club or Affiliation or Society covering the area of Penryn specifically or generally as agreed by a vote of the members at the AGM or SGM.

Capture unforgettable moments with Penryn Camera Club! Join our friendly and inclusive community of photographers of all abilities and tap into our wealth of knowledge and experience. Let's make memories together

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